On the Web, all advantages are temporary, and you must keep innovating to stay ahead.

Jakob Nielsen


Lifecycle Strategy Consulting is a full-stack marketing consulting solution focused on aligning your product and marketing strategy with the customers motivation and journey.  By utilizing an empathic approach from the customer perspective throughout the purchase funnel experience, customer acquisition and retention can lead to long term growth and recurring value.


Our Services

LifeCycle Strategy provides market analysis, competitive analysis, search engine optimization, multi-channel go-to-market strategies, product positioning and messaging, and cross-channel demand generation consulting. 

What Is a Lifecycle Marketing?

Lifecycle Marketing aligns your product, messaging, and solutions with customer needs and wants to help move them from prospects to long-term repeat customers providing ongoing recurring revenue.

Weekly Dispatches

Recommended reading from across the web on the latest news, best practices, and trends for lifecycle marketing strategies and tactics to help grow your customer base and product adoption.

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Our Practice

18 years of professional marketing experience in developing end-to-end marketing programs that deliver measurable results and recurring revenue.


Good information architecture makes users less alienated and suppressed by technology. It simultaneously increases human satisfaction and your company's profits. Very few jobs allow you to do both at the same time, so enjoy.

Jakob Nielsen

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Experience launching numerous new marketing strategies, driving organization and process improvements with focus on optimizing customer acquisition, product adoption, brand awareness consideration and market share growth.  Success includes working with major Fortune 500 companies, delivering incremental ROI increases, market share and process optimization.